by Jill Maturino | Jul 16, 2012
It is never pleasant to think about the possibility that there will be a sentencing hearing in your case. However, if you wait until the last moment to get ready for that possibility, you will be way too late to make the kind of presentation you will want to make to... by Jill Maturino | Jul 16, 2012
You should look for an attorney with experience, confidence and a proven track record for obtaining results. At Houlon Berman, our philosophy is to focus on serving the client by obtaining the very best possible results. Results are achieved through preparation,... by Jill Maturino | Jul 16, 2012
Houlon Berman lawyers have expertly handled a huge variety of criminal cases in the past, ranging from the routine to the most complex, including but not limited to the following: Murder, Attempted Murder Vehicular Manslaughter Drug Cases (Federal & State Courts)... by Jill Maturino | Jul 16, 2012
Houlon Berman lawyers frequently handle criminal cases in all jurisdictions and courts across Maryland and in the District of Columbia, as well as in the Federal Courts of both: This includes the following Counties and Courts: MARYLAND Maryland Court of Appeals... by Jill Maturino | Jul 16, 2012
If you believe you are under police investigation, it is critical that you immediately speak to an attorney. An attorney can advise and warn you about the traps you may fall into and about the dangers of meeting with the police or prosecutors, and can make certain you...