by Jill Maturino | Jul 16, 2012
MVA Hearings are conducted by Administrative Law Judges employed by the Office of Administrative Hearings, a State Agency. There will be no one prosecuting the case and witnesses are rarely required or present. Usually, the case against you is presented on paper. But... by Jill Maturino | Jul 16, 2012
Serious traffic offenses include Driving Under the Influence or Impaired, Driving Without a License, Driving While Revoked or Suspended, Driving Without Insurance, Fleeing and Alluding, Leaving the Scene of an Accident and others. The maximum penalty for all of these... by Jill Maturino | Jul 16, 2012
A Grand Jury, whether Federal or State, is a group of citizens summonsed to serve by the Prosecutor for the purpose of deciding what if any charges should be filed against a person or corporation. The right to Grand Jury consideration of proposed criminal charges... by Jill Maturino | Jul 16, 2012
At Houlon Berman, our first step is to get your case dismissed. Sometimes, prior to the trial date, the prosecutor will make a plea offer. By the Director of the U.S. Supreme Court, we are now obligated to tell you of any plea offer that has been made. The decision to... by Jill Maturino | Jul 16, 2012
Depending upon the jurisdiction and whether your case is in Maryland State Circuit or District court, District of Columbia Superior Court or Federal Court, there are a number of different types of court appearances which will occur. In all cases, there will be an...